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Working with gifted, underprivileged children has presented many challenges for TMNP throughout the years, but it has also yielded valuable insights. These are some of this year's revelations:

1.No system of gifted identification
2.Gifted children are unaware of their potential
3.Unavailability of non-academic assessments & evaluation
4.Heterogenous student population in calssroom
5.No proper platform & guidance to exhibit leadership quality
6.Lack of guidence to choose career and life goal
7.Inequality concerning gender
8.Limited financial conditions of the family
9.lack of skills and training in basic study skills

The main challenge faced by underprivileged gifted individuals is often the lack of recognition and support, which ultimately represents a significant loss for society as a whole. Failing to support underprivileged gifted students not only limits their personal growth but also represents a loss of potential innovation leadership and contribution to society.

Investing in these students is not just a matter of fairness but alo a strategic move to to ensure a diverse and talented future workforce. Recognizing and addressing these challenges can help in harnessing the full potential of all individuals reagardless of their background.

Your contributions, as well as our collaborative efforts at all levels of the system, will help to empower underprivileged gifted children. It will provide them with financial support and resources. We envision a world in which every gifted child, regardless of circumstance, may thrive and contribute meaningfully to society.